Thursday, December 13, 2012

Technology Review: PBL Online

This website is a perfect resource for anyone wanting to implement more Project Based Learning in their classroom.  With all the research provided by this website, I can see how important and effective learning in this format is.  In the future I plan on using the database provided by this website to implement some quality PBL experiences in my classroom of middle schoolers.  Here is my review:

1.       Summary: This site is something that was created as a side project of the Buck Institute that is completely dedicated to project based learning, why it is important, and how it can be used in the classroom effectively.  There are forms that help you make your own PBL activity, a database of already-made PBL’s, and even links to online courses for teachers to take to help them better understand and implement PBL’s.
2.       Strengths
a.       Being run partially by BIE, you know the website has quality and relevant information.
b.      It seems to have all the research and resources needed to effectively implement PBL’s in the classroom.
c.       It’s free!
3.       Weaknesses
a.       To access the database of PBL’s that have been made already, it requires a login and password.
b.      To access some of the materials, you have to be a current teacher with the login requiring you to name which school you work for.
4.       Who is this useful for?  This site would be useful to any teacher wanting to implement PBL’s in their classroom or promote the use of PBL’s in their school.  Like I said, it provides all the necessary research and resources to promote and implement such activities.
5.       What is needed to use it?  To access most of this site, all you need is internet access.  To access the database of PBL’s, you have to register a free login and password so they can filter your search results properly.

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